Wines with Innovative Containers Capture the Attention of SAQ Buyers

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Wines in cans, Tetra Pak, and other innovative containers are currently experiencing strong demand, and we can expect a skyrocketing increase in market share for these types of products in the coming years.

It is not surprising, therefore, that these wines that break away from the mold and abandon the traditional 750ml glass format are attracting so much interest from SAQ buyers. This presents an unexpected horizon of commercial possibilities for producers willing to use creativity to seduce new consumers. Many people appreciate the advantages of these wine containers and are enthusiastic about the idea of reimagining them for the modern world. Many people appreciate the advantages of these wine containers and are enthusiastic about the idea of reimagining them for the modern world.

Always keeping an eye on the latest trends in the wine industry, the Sélections Mondiales des Vins team has chosen to make this small revolution the subject of a new category for its 2023 edition: Innovative Wines. The competition provides an ideal opportunity to showcase this type of product and attract the attention of monopolies and other major players in the industry.

We are witnessing a significant change in the wine market, with new marketing tactics and a surprising diversification of offerings to meet the growing thirst for original alcoholic beverages, particularly among young consumers. The demographic weight of young consumers is making itself felt, and their preferences are shaping demand in a significant way.

Essentially, three factors explain the growing interest in wines in cans or other innovative containers.

1. Health

There is a greater awareness among young people about the consequences of alcohol on the body. They are more inclined to be vigilant about their consumption, which often leads them towards low-alcohol or moderate-alcohol options, thus fueling the rise of wines in cans.

2. Convenience

Wines in cans, cartons, or plastic are increasingly fashionable due to their portability and ease of use during travel or camping, for example. They are also more resistant to breakage compared to glass. The increasing demand from young consumers, especially those with one or more jobs, can be attributed to a society that is moving at an increasingly frenetic pace, where everyone seems to be in a hurry. These convenient products better suit their busy schedules, thanks in part to their durability and the superior cooling speed of smaller formats. The increase in outdoor activities and post-pandemic gatherings also positively influences the demand for these products. For instance, wine cans are easier to transport, store, and open, making them more suitable for such occasions.

3. Environment

Growing consumer awareness of ecology leads to an increased demand for non-traditional wines with containers made of metal or cardboard, aligning with sustainable development perspectives. These containers are generally lighter, reducing CO2 emissions during transportation, and are less likely to break, thus reducing waste. Metal cans are infinitely recyclable, while cartons are also recyclable and often made from recycled materials. The production of traditional glass bottles requires a significant amount of energy and emits greenhouse gases, whereas innovative metal or cardboard containers have a lower carbon footprint.

It is evident that the wine industry is taking a resolutely modern turn, rapidly transforming the ways in which this product is transported and marketed. Non-traditional containers are more popular than ever! By including the category of innovative wines in the 2023 edition of Sélections Mondiales des Vins, our organization highlights this important new trend and offers producers a unique opportunity to be part of it. With the evolving preferences of consumers, innovative marketing strategies, and diversification of offerings, it is clear that wines in innovative containers are changing the landscape of the wine industry, providing different and appealing experiences for wine enthusiasts concerned about their health, convenience, and the environment.

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