Dealcoholized wines: a revolution in full swing

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Dealcoholized wines, or wines with low alcohol content, are changing the wine landscape. This trend, which is growing in popularity, offers an attractive alternative for those who want to enjoy the pleasures of wine without the effects of alcohol. In 2022, the global market for dealcoholized wines was already worth $11 billion, highlighting growing enthusiasm for this innovative option.

In response to this growing demand, Sélections Mondiales des Vins, in collaboration with the Degré Zéro trade fair, has created a category dedicated to these  “no/low”  wines.

Why this trend?

Several factors explain the rise in popularity of dealcoholized wines:

Health and well-being : More and more consumers are looking to reduce their alcohol consumption for health reasons. Dealcoholized wines allow you to enjoy the taste and rituals of wine without the side effects of alcohol.

Diet and personal preferences : Whether for reasons of diet, personal preference or religious beliefs, dealcoholized wines offer an alternative suitable for a diverse audience.

Driving and Social Activities : For those who drive or want to stay alert during social events, dealcoholized wines are an ideal option.

The advantages of dealcoholized wines

Conservation of aromas : Thanks to modern technologies, dealcoholized wines manage to preserve the aromas and flavors of classic wines.

Fewer calories : Reducing the alcohol content also reduces caloric intake, which is an advantage for those watching their figure.

Accessibility : Dealcoholized wines allow a greater number of people to discover and appreciate the world of wine.

Degré Zero : the professional show 100% dedicated to dealcoholized, fermented and macerated  “no/low”  drinks
The Degré Zéro trade fair is an unmissable event for wine professionals wishing to discover the latest innovations in wines with no or low alcohol content. This show offers a unique platform where producers and distributors can meet, taste a varied range of no/low wines, and discuss dealcoholization trends and technologies.

Special offer on no/low wine registration

In collaboration with Degré Zéro, Sélections Mondiales des Vins offers producers of no/low wines an exclusive package for the registration of their wines in the 2024 edition of the competition:

  • 10% discount on registration fees with code DEGREZERO10;
  • A saving of 50% on transport
  • Management of consolidation and sending of samples by Degré Zéro

The dealcoholized wine trend is much more than a passing fad; it reflects a lasting change in consumption habits. By offering a tasty option without the effects of alcohol, these wines meet the needs of a new generation of consumers. As the market continues to grow, it is certain that dealcoholized wines will establish themselves as an essential component of the global wine industry.

Take this unique opportunity to present your products during the 2024 edition of the Sélections Mondiales des Vins competition and have the chance to receive international recognition for your exceptional products!

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