You will find below the frequently asked questions relating to registration for the Sélections Mondiales des Vins competition.
The 2025 registration period is from May 1st to September 1st, 2025. If you already have an account, you can register your wines by clicking here. If this is your first time, you can create a user account here.
The one-time registration fee is $269 CAD per product, including Canadian taxes.
Canadian taxes (federal and provincial) of 14.975% are included in the displayed price. All participants will have to pay the taxes, since the Canadian federal law requires it, considering that the contest takes place on Canadian soil.
You can register your wines in a few easy steps.
1- Create your user code
If this is your first time participating in the competition and you do not have a user account on our website, you can create one by clicking here.
2- Register a wine
You can register a wine by clicking here or on the “Registration” tab in the menu bar of the website. On the registration page, choose the category of wine to be registered and click on “Add a wine”. Your wine will be listed in the shopping cart. To add another wine, you must repeat the same process.
3- Send your samples to the Sélections Mondiales des Vins competition
You can order and pay for the shipping of your samples directly on the site, in your shopping cart. In collaboration with Eurofret, which offers you very competitive exclusive shipping packages, your samples will be picked up door-to-door for the contest and will be delivered to our Montreal warehouse for validation and preparation for the contest. If your country does not appear in the drop-down list or if the quantity of samples offered does not correspond to your register, please write to us at [email protected].
4- Pay customs fees
Customs fees are mandatory for each producer who registers for our competition. To do this, you must add a customs fee to your shopping cart. Note that you must enter only one customs duty per producer. Whether you have one or more products, a single customs duty is sufficient per producer. We strongly recommend that you add this service to your registration and pay the customs fees at this time to avoid delays at customs. If your wines arrive at Canadian customs and you have not paid the customs, your samples will be held until you make payment.
EXCEPTION: Please note that producers whose wines entered in the competition are already on Canadian soil do not have to pay customs fees (Canadian producers, international producers whose products are in Canada (private import, agent in Canada).
5- Terms of payment
By credit card on our website, when registering online. We accept all credit cards and bank (debit) cards through Stripe. Please ensure you make all necessary changes to your registration BEFORE clicking the “Pay” button.
CAUTION: Once this chosen option, you will not be able to go back or modify your registration for the contest. There is no refund. We strongly encourage you to make your payment online by bank card or credit card. If you are unable to make your payment online, please send your email to [email protected].
A copy of the registration form(s) duly completed online and printed;
• the certificate(s) of analysis of the wine(s);
• a pro forma invoice including the following information:
• the full contact details of the producer;
• complete contact information for Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada;
• the name of the product;
• its color;
• its percentage (%) of alcohol;
• the format of the bottle (750 ml or 1 litre);
• the number of samples per product (2);
• the ex-cellar price, net and without commission;
• the total value in CAD$, USD$ or EUR;
• the currency in CAD$, USD$ or EUR;
• the country of origin of the wine.
• Please specify “Samples for competition – Value for customs only”.
IMPORTANT: Pro-forma invoices with wines at 1 CAD, 1 USD and 1 EUR will not be accepted.
You must send 2 bottles for each product registered.
Your samples must be sent at your expense to the following address:
Concours international Sélections Mondiales des Vins
c/o Reception
6500 autoroute Transcanadienne, suite 140
Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada, H4T 1X4
Tel.: +1 514 814-3591
Sélections Mondiales des Vins assumes no responsibility for wines damaged or lost during transport, misdirected or received after the deadline.
Your samples must be received by our warehouse no later than September 15, 2025. Allow time for your samples to arrive at our Montreal (Saint-Laurent) warehouse no later than this date.
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North America under the patronage of:
Sélections Mondiales des Vins Canada. All rights reserved.
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