The 2023 Sélections Mondiales des Vins has launched!

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After a multitude of wine competitions around the world this spring, the spotlight turns to the North American scene. The Sélections Mondiales des Vins team continues to build on the success of its 2022 edition. It is hosting the only international wine competition to be held in October in North America, providing important exposure for wines that are ready to go on sale in late 2023 and continue their commercial development in 2024. What’s more, SMV takes place in Montréal, a world-renowned connoisseurs’ market!

SMV is more than an event. It is a strategic tool to effectively develop your presence in the Canadian and North American markets, among the most competitive in the world. Recognized by the OIV and VINOFED, SMV will also allow you to obtain an internationally renowned evaluation for your wines.

Your participation in our 2023 edition is the ideal springboard to an enviable representation in the Canadian market. SMV is a member of all importers’ associations in Canada and a partner of A3 Québec. The latter includes over 80 of the greatest import agencies in Canada. All you have to do is submit your best wines, ready to be tasted by our jury of experts from America and around the world.

Following the competition, SMV will first publish the “Top 50” best scores, awarded by our jury. From this list, SMV will cover the costs of 25 spontaneous offers of products submitted to the SAQ’s supply management system, which will then be introduced and eventually available into its product catalogue.

Our partnership with the SAQ will expand in 2023, coinciding with the return of the SAQ Inspire contest! For the occasion, three people with “Grands Connaisseurs” (great connoisseurs) profiles will represent consumers on the jury. In addition, 75 customers who are members of the SAQ Inspire loyalty program will be invited to discover the award-winning wines from 10 participating countries on October 25 at the ITHQ.

This year, a new option is offered by SMV: the promotion of winning wines already marketed at the SAQ. The promotion of these products will be further highlighted in 2023, thanks to promotional initiatives such as the introduction of the SMV logo on the SAQ product page. If you wish to showcase wines currently available at the SAQ, new promotional programs will be available on for 2024.

Some important things to consider regarding current trends in the Québec, Canadian and American markets for your product presentations in 2023:

– More than ever, customers are looking for organic, biodynamic, natural or sustainable wines.

– There is a strong demand for non-alcoholic or low-alcohol wines.

– Wines in cans or in innovative formats are a growing trend.

Calendar for the 2023 SMV Edition

Registration period: May 10 to September 1st,2023

Deadline for sample receipt: September 15, 2023

Competition dates: October 11 to 15, 2023

Unveiling of the “Top 50”: October 16, 2023

2023 ranking: October 19, 2023

Seize the opportunity to promote your wines on the North American market by registering for the contest now!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to welcoming you to the 2023 SMV!

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